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Councelling Practice

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PSI Beratung
Julia Widler
Brunnmattstrasse 9
5628 Aristau
056 535 03 08

Talent Assessment

The Talent Assessment is a one-day workshop containing comprehensive and holistic psychological test procedures.

Your unique strengths and potential in the cognitive, emotional, motivational and creative area of your personality are analysed and compiled in a personal profile. This is not about a comparison with others or a standard; it is about the most important strengths and the most significant aspects of your own personality.

Get to know and appreciate yourself better and experience your personality more consciously. Following the testing and the results we will discuss how you can make better use of your strengths in your private and professional life and how your potential can help you mitigate stress and difficult situations.

Example of a profile:

Talent Assessment Example Page 1 Talent Assessment Example Page Seite 2

Please reserve a whole day from 9 am to 5:30 pm for the talent assessment. Drinks and snacks are being offered.

Please take notice that a talent assessment is not recommended for children, since they should still develop their personality open-minded.

We only use reliable and valid psychological test procedures in the latest edition. The test program is broad and economic und allows a reliable and comprehensive picture of your personality. The measured concepts are all scientifically researched and in line with the current state of science in the field of the Differential Psychology.

If you are interested in further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.